Options to STAY in Your Home



Loan Modification / Principal Reduction

A loan modification can often reduce your mortgage payments during a time of financial hardship. Lenders may choose to offer a loan modification in an attempt to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and make your mortgage payments easier for a set time period. (Usually 3-5yrs). Working with your lender can be both intimidating and stressful and we are here to help take away that stress.


How to Avoid Scams

Scams target homeowners who are having trouble paying their mortgages.  They often make false promises and charge up-front fees for their help.

Our foreclosure prevention analysis comes at no cost to you.  It is a free service we offer and any payments you need to make will be made directly to your lender.


Can You Postpone Your Sale Date?

Under certain circumstances your lender may postpone your sale date. Depending on the stage you are within the foreclosure process could affect your lenders decision; therefor, the sooner you start to work with your lender, the more chance you have to prevent foreclosure.


How Can We Help?

  • We will contact your lender and help you work through the process
  • We will explore additional government assistance programs
  • We help to complete your loan modification paperwork
  • We help you gather supporting documentation that your lender will require
  • Our services through this process are completely FREE